Sunday, September 23, 2007

Missouri tries to make Christianity the official religion

Several friends who have read my blogs on this website asked why I am so vocal about the intrusion of the Religious Right into our political process here in America. I am concerned because they are attempting to make their religious beliefs the law of the land and their brand of religious teachings the only recognized ones in America.

Doubt that could happen? In March, 2006, Missouri legislators considered a bill that would name Christianity the official, majority (key word), religion in the state. House Concurrent Resolution 13 (lucky number 13) has/is pending in the state legislature. This resolution would recognize a "Christian God" and would not protect minority (non-Christian and possibly even non Evangelical/Fundamentalist) religions but would "protect the majority's right to express their religious beliefs." The resolution also stated that "a greater power exists," and only Christianity receives what the resolution calls "justified recognition."

The representative that introduced the resolution and the Governor of Missouri both refused to comment on or discuss the bill in any way.

This is scary stuff. The fact that a legislator had the audacity to propose such a bill, along with the fact that it was and still is being considered, is enough to understand the power of the Religious Right. They have become emboldened in their tactics and are beginning to openly attack and eventually destroy the Constitution and our democracy and replace it with a theocracy with them having exclusive say over how that theocracy would be set up and run.

If we don't act quickly and unilaterally, their movement will have gained a momentum that may be difficult to stop; even bordering on impossible. I know about the Missouri bill thanks to my nephew who made me aware of it. How many other states have similar/identical bills that are, for now, hidden away on a future docket to be discussed and passed into law when there are enough Religious Right legislators to assure its passage? Don't under estimate these people. They are extremely motivated and are driven by an insatiable desire to have their own way. It is unknown how many are out there nestled within our state and federal governments waiting for the right moment when they have gained sufficient seats to pass this type of self-serving and dangerous legislation. They are the American Taliban and must be stopped now before they can realize their ambitions and we are all without rights and protections from a then defunct Constitution and Bill of Rights.

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