Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Republicans Veto Their Own Fucking Bill

This is incredible. The Republican Party has sunk to a new, record setting, low. They consistently backed our incompetent, ineffective, incapable Republican president; failed to reign in his arrogance and rude behavior that has destroyed what was America’s proud place as a world leader and most respected country; consistently supported a war that is morally wrong and fiscally ruinous: and now they want to make amends for all of that and show (who - their own party?) that they are really the fiscally conservative, responsible spending party of small government by standing idly by watching George W, (for Worthless) Bush veto a Republican sponsored, bi-partisan supported, positively funded healthcare plan that helps poor children in America and that happens to be one of the best pieces of legislation that has come out of Congress in the last ten years! Are they stupid? Or do they think we are?

Well, bull Elephants, there’s an old saying where I come from “You Can’t Fix Stupid!” Time to vote you boys and girls and girly boys (thought I forgot you, huh Larry?) all out! Or maybe you could show that you all really aren't stupid by cutting off the Religious Right arm of your party and sending them to the Democrats as a gift. It would improve the IQ of both Parties! Hmm, maybe you can fix stupid? Nah!

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