Sunday, October 7, 2007

Who's Your Choice For President In 2008?

Can somebody help me? I don’t see anyone running for president that I think is worth voting for. Every presidential election year I think we’ve gotten to the bottom of the barrel in our choices and the next election year the bottom seems to fall deeper down the scale and some real losers come rolling out.

Every one of the Republican candidates is adamantly trying to woo the Religious Right faction of their party and I don’t want any part of it. John McCain has once again sold his soul to the Holy Rollers by declaring that he thinks the Founding Fathers intended America to be a Christian nation. All the Republican wannabees except Rudy declare they are against abortion and gay marriage even though some have flip-flopped so many times on these and other “moral issues” that it’s impossible to know where they stand. Rudy, Rudy, Rudy says he is not opposed to abortion or gay marriage but promises to nominate a Supreme Court justice who is, in case a bench position comes open. Now there’s a group of presidential hopefuls who stand by their principles! Even the Religious Right, a most easily lead group of sheep, doesn’t want anything to do with this bunch. Instead, they’re asking their God to give them Ronald Reagan back (and they don’t mean Fred Thompson, a taller, family size Sonny Bono!).

And here we have the Democrats. First and foremost there’s Hillary “Jefferson” Clinton. She is trying to appeal to every frustrated liberal minority voter’s desire to get Bill back in the White House. Then there’s Barrack Obama bin Laden, who is spending ALL of his time trying to convince potential voters that first, he is not a Muslim and second, he has sufficient experience to be president. Unfortunately, he is a first term Senator from Illinois in his third year, who obviously has little or no experience. I’m sorry, Barrack, organizing a Boy Scout troop does not give you sufficient experience to successfully get us out of Iraq! Third, there’s John Edwards, a very rich Southern gentleman, who is trying his best to tell us middle class and poor Americans that he understands our pain. Sorry, John, but when one is as wealthy as you are, you can’t understand our pain just as we can’t believe you have ANY pain aside from the pain you share with your very brave and devoted wife who is working along side you while trying to cope with breast cancer. Talk about courage and strength! If she were healthy, you could bet I’d vote for her! (But, I might just get behind Edwards because he exhibits some courage himself when he is brave enough to talk a tax increase on the rich and upper middle class; two groups of financial horses that could and should be made to carry more of the tax burden than they have since Ronnie revised the tax code in their favor!). The fourth and probably last serious contender is Chris Dodd who is touting his new book about his father, a leading prosecutor in the Nuremburg Trials after WWII. His dad sounds really good; I’d vote for him.

So, if you would, leave a comment telling who you are voting for and a brief explanation of why. Hearing from real people about how and why you choose a particular candidate goes a hell of a lot farther than listening to the endless sound bites and catch phrases that fill the airwaves with cacophonous noise trying to pass as character builders for the candidates. I would appreciate it. And that reminds me, who’s this RuPaul everyone is talking about?

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