Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Why I Dislike George W. Bush (Like He Cares!)

All of the political blogs I have written have been critical of George Bush and his administration. Most people who read them assume that I am a staunch Democrat. Not true; and to prove it wait until Hillary gets in the White House. I am a Centrist with strong Libertarian and Liberal leanings. I feel that Government has no business in people’s private lives except to protect children, the elderly, the retarded and anyone else who cannot protect themselves from the many predators that exist in the real world and who have no qualms about taking advantage of these vulnerable people and hurting or killing them. People must be protected from those in society who are uncaring that their needs and desires are at odds with the common good (e.g. pedophiles, drug dealers, serial killers, etc.) and who will only stop their offensive practices when they are captured and confined. This, along with national defense and infrastructure are the three largest areas where I think government is needed.

Politics in the United States today has become unruly, contentious and unproductive. Politicians act like spoiled brats, interested only in getting their way. Spending by both parties has become unchecked and irresponsible. I would estimate a guess that nearly half of the projects contained in bills passed in Congress and signed into law, are unnecessary and unlawful and spend government tax dollars to benefit private concerns that are not supportive of the common good or public needs. These are referred to as “Pork Barrel” provisions added onto beneficial legislation that, if they were submitted on their own merits would be denied with very little or no discussion.

I want to refute the notion that I must be a Democrat because I do not support George Bush and his presidency. I do not support George Bush because he is an arrogant, delusional Right Wing religious zealot who insists on making important decisions without the benefit of counsel and without sufficient knowledge of the situation that is being addressed. Glaring proof of this is his initiating and continuing the Iraq war despite protests from experts on both Iraq and the Iraqi people and its government that to do so would be inviting disaster. Information explaining that an unstable Iraq would erupt into civil war that would continue until two of the three factions that make up the solid majority of Iraqis (Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds) are killed off or completely neutralized. This opposing information would give a “normal” leader pause, and influence him/her to consider an alternative course of action. But not megalomaniacs like George Bush. He wants it; he does it; screw you. There are myriads of additional reasons I dislike Mr. Bush; some are as follows.

First and foremost, I do not like George Bush because of his disregard for the Constitution and Bill of Rights. These are sacred to the United States and have been defended by millions of Americans who gave their lives or limbs to assure that future citizens would know freedom and enjoy the liberty and justice spelled out within. They are empowered by human blood and sacrifice. However, George openly defies the Constitution in the areas where it interferes with his executive powers and/or his desire to conduct the country’s business in a manner that he sees fit. The high ground that once defined American values and practices has been deserted for the swamplands of torture, unwarranted government wire-tapping and general disregard of human rights.

Then, it is my opinion that George W. lacks a strong work ethic. When the going gets rough, George gets going to his Crawford ranch where he cuts brush and rides his mountain bike. He seems content to make his unenlightened decisions, walk away and let the chips fall where they may. His cabinet members are not overly energetic either. For instance, Condoleezza Rice makes tepid overtures to the Iranians to meet with her and discuss peace initiatives and curbing their nuclear arms program. These inquiries have only come with any urgency, or sense of importance, within the last six months. I strongly suspect that if her initiatives worked, George would not get to attack Iran and play the role of war time president once again. Therefore, being a good Bush supporter, she does as her boss wishes; make an insufficient attempt at diplomacy, state that the attempt didn’t work, then attack the country and show them America’s might! It took the State Department over three years after George identified North Korea as one of the “axis of evil” nations, to make any reasonable effort to begin a dialog with them to stop their nuclear arms program; and then only after South Korea and England repeatedly encouraged Ms. Rice to do so.

The last reason I will give is the Bush administration’s disregard and even disdain of the United Nations that has resulted in his going it alone in Iraq and in his relations (or lack of) with North Korea and Iran. While the UN is far from perfect, even a bit shoddy, it is the only place to win allies and support for our acts of aggression in Iraq and soon, Iran. It is also the only venue available where our country can bounce its ideas and plans off of an international assembly of countries and hope to win a buy-in resulting in a joint effort, alleviating the burden of going it alone. His father and Bill Clinton successfully used the United Nations and NATO to win support for the first Gulf War and the war in Kosovo.

I strongly feel that George Bush, with his arrogance, delusional self-importance and a cataclysmic need to be right in his decisions, to the point that he surrounds himself with like minded “advisors” who unilaterally agree with his plans and ideas, has severely diminished America’s stature and influence in the world community and has made us a laughing stock in our relations with other countries. One of the readers of my blogs left a comment that said Bush “is a country boy who got way too full of himself.” I couldn’t agree more. He shows little or no skills in leadership because he is so heavy-handed in his approach and closed minded to any idea different from his own. He is unlikable, ineffective, incapable, offensive and obtrusive. While it is definitely time for a change, I only see more of the same on the horizon; regardless of party affiliation and thanks in large part to the climate of contentiousness pervading both houses of Congress and the Executive branch. I’m afraid the next administration could be as unpleasant as the present one. God Bless America (and pass the ammunition!) Keep your powder dry.

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