Sunday, November 4, 2007

To Die Hard Bush Supporters - Wake Up!

If I hear the Bushkies regurgitate their mantra "we're fighting them in Iraq so we don't have to fight them here!" one more time, I'm going to puke. First of all, who the hell are "them"? Bush attacked the ONLY nation in the region, except Israel, that did not have any Al Qaeda training camps, encampments or personnel of any kind! So who the hell did he intend to fight over there so we wouldn't fight "them" over here? It could not have been Bin Laden or Al Qaeda!

Bush knew Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were not in Iraq but he needed Congress and the American people to think that they were so that the Administration could fabricate additional reasons for attacking Iraq, along with their claims of WMD's and nukes. It was a good thing for them that they inclided this as one of their reasons because there were no WMD's or nukes and, even though this too was a lie, they brought it along for the ride. However, their plan to attack Iraq almost fell through when a CIA operative located Osama and several influential leaders of Al Qaeda at a meeting in the mountain stronghold of Tora Bora on the Afghanistan/Pakistani border. The CIA agent called for the deployment of drones to take out Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda leaders. He called the CIA command post in Afghanistan three times, each time giving the co-ordinates of the meeting location along with confirmation that it was indeed Osama Bin Laden. The CIA command post contacted the White House for the go-ahead to send the drones. That permission never came. Why not? Well, it may never be known for certain, but one explanation that fits and fits like a glove is that if they killed Bin Laden and some of the high ranking leaders of Al Qaeda, the administration would no longer have a reason to attack Iraq under the guise of "fighting them over there instead of over here."

Within weeks after taking office, Bush charged Vice President Cheney with conducting meetings to establish a national energy policy. These meetings were held in secret between Dick Cheney and the Presidents and CEOs of the major oil companies. The minutes of these meetings have remained secret despite repeated requests for them by Congressman Henry Waxman.

Could it be possible that George Bush, and select cabinet members; Richard Cheney, Karl Rove and Donald Rumsfeld, included as part of the energy plan the invasion of Iraq, to destabilize an already unstable region, cause fear and further unrest within the oil producing countries that would result in a significant increase in the price of oil per barrel with a resulting increase in the price of gasoline?

Now, admittedly, this sounds far fetched and I cannot begin to belive that an American sitting president would commit such a heinous crime in order to increase his family's, friend's, former employer's and, when he leaves office, his own wealth. I reject this notion, but want to know the real reason we attacked Iraq because it was none of the reasons given by the administration; they were all lies.

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