Tuesday, November 13, 2007

ELECTION2008 And The Winner Is...

If you have read any of my Blogs you know I do not like George W. Bush. I think he is devoid in every aspect of qualities required to be the President of the United States. He insists on making decisions that he alone formulates, accepting only like minded counsel from a group of “Yes” men and women. He refuses to change his approach to a situation even though it is shown to be wrong. I hope the world can hold itself together long enough for him to be replaced in 2009.

In the next twelve months, America must address several pressing problems in order to elect his replacement. First, there is the problem of assuring fair and honest elections. The last two presidential elections were fraught with questionable voting and counting practices and policies. Voting systems were introduced in 2004 in many states that changed the way votes were cast as well as counted. This was a result of the fiasco that occurred in Florida in 2000. Ballots in largely Democratic precincts in Florida were systematically rejected while the same ballots in Republican districts were unchallenged. The problems encountered with these new systems, however, further cast doubt on our election process. These new machines could not be verified as to whom the vote was cast. As a result, in 2004, Ohio voters were again denied in largely Democratic precincts and unchallenged in Republican precincts and the election was once again plagued with doubt. New machines will again be introduced for the 2008 presidential election and this time the problems with the old punch card machines and the machines introduced in 2004 will, supposedly, be addressed and corrected.

The second problem, however, is surely the greatest one and will never be solved because for all intent and purpose, there is no solution. That problem is – who the hell does one vote for? Before the Reagan era, it was pretty well defined who voted for whom. The white collar workers, corporation executives and small business owners generally voted along Republican lines. The blue collar, union workers generally voted Democratic. With Reagan, that dichotomy was changed with the addition of the strong Religious Right influence in the Republican Party. Big business vs. worker bees was changed to moral vs. immoral. I voted for Ronald Reagan but not because the Moral Majority was behind him. I thought he was the best man for the job. History is proving my decision both right and wrong. Reagan did bring a sense of pride back to America in that we were depressed at the perception that America had become weak militarily and was loosing her respect as a super power. He did build-up, update and increase our military strength. The problem with Reagan was his attempt to legislate his definition of morality that he meshed with the Religious Right’s view and began the huge polarization that divides our country today. The ultra right wing Religious Right’s philosophy of “my way or the highway” made it impossible to reach a compromise on the plethora of problems plaguing the political pundits.

So, who the hell are you voting for? Personally, I don’t see a strong leader among any of the candidates; either Democrat or Republican. The candidate with the biggest gonads is a woman, but they all try to appeal to every constituent in their Party. I have yet to hear any of the candidates take a stand on anything that they considered important. They mainly spend their time and rhetoric convincing the Religious Right that they are each morally superior to the rest of the candidates. In this, George W. shined. He convinced the holy rollers that God spoke to him and hand picked him to be president. Evidently God wasn’t up to the task alone because He needed Jeb Bush’s help in 2000 and the Governor of Ohio’s help in 2004. They both disallowed a sufficient number of Democratic votes in their respective states to swing the election to George. I heard through the grapevine that God was very grateful and rewarded His religious minions with millions more dollars and His friends in the oil business with hundreds of millions of dollars. He pretty well took care of the Bush’s and Cheney’s, giving their families huge additional worth to their oil portfolios. I now like to think of George W. as the “Burning Bush” – a man of Biblical proportions. But, I digress.

I could vote for Hillary Jefferson Clinton, possibly the first woman and first composite president paired with her husband, Bill (the first Gigolo). Or there’s Barrack Obama, possibly the first black president. But then he’s been accused of not being black enough (whatever the hell that means). Then there’s John Edward’s, a multi millionaire who understands what it means to be poor. Right! I liked Dennis Kucinich until that dipshit Shirley McClain outed him as “UFO Man”. I still like Mr. Kucinich but there’s no way the mother ship will help him get elected now, and he’ll probably return to Alpha Centari any day.

Of course I could vote Republican – been there, done that, felt bad. But let’s have a look at this lineup. There’s Rudy (I’ll be the meanest, most moral, most righteous mother f*cker if you’ll just let me be president, please) Giuliani: Mitt Romney (Everyman’s everyman): Mike Huckabee (I may be funny but I can smote those goddam faggots and women who have abortions better than Dobson any ole day): Ron (Yesterday I couldn’t spell Libertarian and today I are one) Paul. Yessir, that’s a righteous group of morally superior candidates if ever there were one (which there weren’t).

Personally, I can’t wait for November 5th, 2008 when it probably should be all over and the next president will be elected. I want to see if the Republicans can do it again and get their candidate elected by disallowment (don’t look in the dictionary; I made it up to describe the practice of disallowing enough of your opponent’s votes to get your candidate elected). My monies riding on their getting it done, because with the two idiotic and incompetent “leaders” of the Democrats, Pelosi and Reed, who’s going to stop them? The Republicans may never need to campaign again. They can just wait for election night, manipulate the votes in wherever the networks declare is the key state, and get their candidate elected. It will take the Democrats decades before they figure out what happened and another decade to figure out what to do about it. Politics gets to be more fun every year.

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